  • Williecoin


  • $0.000000 (-4.65%)

    0.000000000 BNB

  • $159,741


  • 9,849 (+0.00%)


  • 1,000,000,000,000,000

    Total Supply






Join the ocean. Become a whale that doesn't harm others.

Willie is hoping to make the low-cap market a less scary place.

The current transaction process is confusing and can often be frightening. We're hoping to change that. By supporting us on our dive into the crypto space, we hope you can help shape our views and ideas going into our prospective mobile application.


Share your gains on social media.

We have integrated shareable reports coming with our planned mobile app which can be directly shared via Instagram, Reddit, Twitter & more! If traction and support for our idea is shown, we plan to pursue our idea further and begin development of application. Be proud of your Willie holdings and trade with others. Show people what it means to be part of the next stage in low-cap cryptocurrencies.



Original Supply of 1,000,000,000,000,000

💎🖐 10% Tax on all token transfer (5% distributed to holders / 5% added to the liquidity pool)
We reward holders with a 5% transaction tax which puts $WILLIE directly into your wallet every time someone buys or sells.

🐳 Ownership renounced and LP locked.
We have taken several steps to ensuring that the community can stay confident in our token. Alongside renouncing ownership and locking our liquidity pool, we have also burned 85T tokens from development wallets.

💙 Whale protection
With low-cap coins, a whale can ruin your smooth growth trajectory. We want our community to become whales whilst helping mitigating the effects of pump-and-dump techniques. $WILLIE is a token that over time will allow you to grow your stake in the community and become a whale who supports both our project and the community. There is inherent risk with any low-cap cryptocurrency, however we hope our tokenomics provide a level of confidence.

Our roadmap is clean and strategic. You're supporting a team with clearly determined goals. Check our newly released whitepaper for more information.