🏎There's a rivalry older that you and me... A rivalry where only one can make you rich... Some people think the Lambo is the way... but you've been down that road before and look where at you are now 🤡🤡🤡
Now it's time for a change! You are ready for the RIDE OF YOUR LIFE!🤑 WenFerrari is all you have ever dreamt of - COME TAKE A RIDE WITH US!🏎🏎🏎
Community token as dev left, after he sold off and then FOMO'ed back in, only to sell at a loss. Community is taking over and reviving this moonshot. Come join us in the Telegram - link at bottom!👊
✅ Verified contract🔥 LP Burned Forever🚀 Stealth Launch🔒 Ownership Renounce
Transaction Fee
Each transaction is charged with a 10% transaction fee for either buying or selling.
4% WenFerrari's transaction fee will be redistributed amongst holders.
The balance of the transaction are sent to liquidity.