The Binance Smart Chain is a public ledger that processes Unasurcoin transactions. Binance smart chain is a blockchain, secure decentralized network of communicating nodes running Unasurcoin.
This allows Unasurcoin to trade when a particular cryptocurrency amount has been ordered, which is necessary in order to carry out transactions in an environment without central oversight.
This timeline details our funding and
development goals.
June 2021
Contract Dev. Web Dev. Marketing Strategy plan, Social Media.
Launch contract, BSCScan contract verification, Contract audit, Marketing .
July 2021
Marketing, HotBit, Blockfolio, CoinJournal listing presentation.
Android&IOS App creation & Closed Test.
August 2021
Full listing plan DONE, Negotiation with online market leaders: e-Bay, Amazon, Linio, Aliexpress
September 2021
App dev. Done, Integration payment system to the App & Test
October 2021
First Buy/Sell operations using Unasurcoin USC
2022 Q1
Binance Listing
2022 Q2
Unasurcoin USC, Visa and Mastercard development starts
Unasurcoin is a cryptocurrency and worldwide payment system. It is the decentralized digital currency, as the system works without a central bank or single administrator.
The network is peer-to-peer and transactions take place between users directly, without an intermediary. These transactions are verified by network nodes through the use of cryptography and recorded in a public distributed ledger called a blockchain "Binance smart chain".
Coins minted - 10 000 000 000100%
Liquidity Fee - 3%3%
Holders reward - 2%2%