Market Cap: $3,582.83B
24h Volume: $113.60B
BTC Dominance: 57.86%
0.000000000 BNB
Total Supply
The Core values of SnipeX
Power of the Bot
Nowadays almost every launch has bots. With a few minute of work, you can make 1000% of your investment.
24/7 Support
The most annoying thing is when you buy something, and there is no support. We offer a 24/7 Support for every SnipeX user.No Pre-Payments.
If you want to quit using SnipeX, you can sell your tokens, and your access is revoked.
Pay for the things you need.
We only charge 5% for buying and selling SNPX, and you can use SnipeX forever.T
High Level Roadmap
December 2020
SnipeX Development
We started working on a Sniping bot first, that sniped coins without transaction fees with a higher gas fee.
February 2021
We successfully made a Sniping tool, that sniped transactions with a higher gas fee, when buying and selling.
April 2020
Mempool sniper v0.1 and automatic buy & sell function, custom slippage.
May-June 2021
Testing & Perfecting
We spent days on fixing bugs, improving speed, effectiveness, and quality of SnipeX, and with it we perfected our Mempool sniper.
June 2021
SnipeX on the Internet
We perfected SnipeX, and we decided to make it publicly available for passive income.
July 2021
SnipeX available publicly
Improving Graphical User Interface, and making SnipeX Publicly available for users.
As longs as SnipeX has users, SnipeX will be updated, and improved.
5% fee applies to buying SNPX.
No use fees
We only charge fees for buying SNPX. No fee for using any features of SnipeX, we don’t take your profits.
Transaction Fees:
Available for Token Sale:
Total Tokens:
500,000,000 SNPX
Scan & Action
SnipeX detects when a new liquidity is added to an AMM on PCS. SnipeX Front-runs with the set slippage, gas and gas price to fulfil its job by making a buy order into the exact same node that the liquidity is added to the Contract address. We support tokens that launch on any kind of Launchpad.
SnipeX Mempool scans the mempool actively, and if it finds the correct entry ( contract address ), it interacts with the Node, to send the Buy Order within the Liquidity Add block. This is achieved with High Gas fees, because the miner selects a set of high gas price transactions from the network mempool and arranges them into a block. The front-runner transaction is given higher priority.
Everything in one place
We host a private node located near the Binance Smart Chain Server to provide the ultra fast connection you will need. Your hardware & internet connection doesn’t matter. *
Results & Perfection
We have developed SnipeX for over 6 months and tested & improved it for 2 Months. During our testing time we gained over 1000 WBNB profit, and we decided to sell it for a passive income with the fee’s, as we are not hunting projects to snipe anymore. We snipe projects occasionally, but not daily anymore.