  • SeaDoge


  • $0.000000 (+0.00%)

    0.000000000 BNB

  • $9,696,131


  • 546 (+0.00%)


  • 1,000,000,000,000,000

    Total Supply






🐕🌊SEADOGE is a Charity Token on the Binance Smart Chain with the aim to save our oceans. SEADOGE is a community driven project, fueled by altruistic marketers. The team clearly choose the name SEADOGE as a marketing gimmick but the cause itself is serious and the donation process as transparent as technically possible, with the aim to build a longterm partnership with SeaSheperd and similiar NGO's while building a network of celebrities of different industries to grow organically to a multi-million dollar crypto charity.

There are ZERO team tokens minted and 100% of raised presale funds went into the locked liquidity. While having a turbulent start where a fake-contract got posted and people bought into that, the team was nice enough to own up to the FUD, were transparent about what happened and refunded all the people who were damaged by that mistake, instead of running away.

Marketing just started. SEADOG was trending on TikTok with the support of the community and a few big telegram trading groups are involved as partners (e.g AcmeCrypto and others) . There are at least 2 big Influencers waiting on the Sidelines who will promote it for free.

Team is in active talks with SeaShepherd about an official partnership, which might become reality as soon as the first donation will be sent. Plans for merchandise are in the making. Poocoin Ads about to start and a possible big marketing push at the World Ocean Day on June 8th.


45.5% Presale

45.5% Locked Liquidity (100% of presale)

9% Marketing (Vesting 6 months)

Initial Marketcap: $33,000

99.9% of supply burned