• Safe Galaxy


  • $0.000000 (+1.55%)

    0.000000000 BNB

  • $303


  • 147 (+0.00%)


  • 1,000,000,000,000

    Total Supply






Safe Galaxy

We are chasing for the biggest Moonshot in history! Become part of the movement.

SAFEGALAXY will be the biggest PUMP in 
history thanks to social media promotion with various Youtubers and TikTokers!

What is our goal?

We want to create a safe galaxy for every crypto investor. A place where rugpulls are history and dev wallets are strictly rejected. With this we want to bring a cryptocurrency into being, which only consists of green candles. No fear of scams!


Quart 2
‍✔ Core Development 
✔ Fair Launch
✔ Lock Liquidity Pool
✔ Renounce Ownership
✔ Token-Deployment
✔ Marketing 
- Campaign
- Release Tiktok Video
-Youtuber Collabs
- Influencer Partnerships


Quart 3

- Initiate Audit
- Add Team Members
- Publish White Paper
- CoinMC & Other applications
- AMA with Devs
- Publish own Exchange

Quart 4

- Giveaway at 5'000 Holders
- Apply on Binance
- SafeGalaxy Payment
-> Roobet
-> Tesla
-> Amazon
-> Wallmart
-> Target
... more to be added


Community Driven

  • We are a community driven project. You decide when we become the biggest moonshot in history. As a small thank you every holder recieves 5% of redistribution on every transaction.

Liquidity Pool

  • The Liquidity Pool has been locked for 6 months. The holders recieve 5% of every transaction redistributed. Another 1% is getting autolocked into the Liquidity Pool.

Total Supply

  • There is a total Supply of 1'000'000'000 Tokens. Devs and Team members werent allowed to buy more than 0.5BNB worth of shares so we can guarantee a fair launch to everyone.

**Locked Liquidity:** https://bscscan.com/tx/0xa0954aaa596a14b7826913bb2d3df4c4ae5c16e49742bdbf89d5547acd793072

**Renounced Ownership:** https://bscscan.com/tx/0xa2c598482a957e8b7e1eaea587723454077fadff57e9212b686a988aedff180d

**PancakeSwap**: [PancakeSwap](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x7d1a105bc11ace192f571ec069d62c062799c73d)