PUKAO is your favorite tribal themed token that uses smart transaction fees to boost up the BUSD(stable coin pledged with the USD) in your wallet. The first and only BUSD reflection token that also has an auto-claim feature.
💰Simply hold $PUKAO tokens in your wallet and you'll earn BUSD. You don't need to keep track on time because BUSD farm generates it automatically in your wallet every 60 minutes from a 10% redistribution fee with every transaction.
Our Roadmap
Read about what we have coming up
Website Launch
Earnings Dashboard
2000 Telegram Members
Presale and Liquidity Lock
$1,000,000 Marketcap
PancakeSwap Launch
$5M Marketcap
$10M Marketcap
$20M Marketcap
$50M Marketcap
5000 Holders
Apply to CoinmarketCap
Additional Listings
$100M Marketcap
Stay Tuned
Huge Vision. Unique Features.
Learn about what makes $PUKAO so special
10% Redistribution In BUSD
10% of every buy/sell is taken and redistributed to all PUKAO holders.
Hold PUKAO tokens, earn BUSD. Minimum 10,000 tokens
Auto Paid Every 60 Minutes
For the first time ever, you don’t need to claim your earned BUSD.
It’s automatically sent to your wallet every 60 minutes.
5% Liquidity Pool
5% of every transaction is transformed into liquidity for Pancakeswap. It's automatic and helps create a price floor (stability).
Anti-Dump Lock & 3% Sell Fee
Sells are restricted to less than 0.1% of the total supply + extra 3% fee is applied to all sells. This will allow us to reduce swing-trading and break whales' control.
Secured By Design
Initial Liquidity Provided will be locked with DXSALE for more than 3 months.
Team Lead, Community Driven
We set up a marketing wallet (5% of supply) to ensure our capability in supporting the team and marketing expenses in the upcoming months.
-10% of every transaction within $PUKAO redistributed to all PUKAO holders.
-5% of every transaction is transformed into liquidity for Pancakeswap.