What is Paragon?
Paragon is an deflationary automated instant yield token on Binance Smart Chain. Holders of Paragon receive yield for holding the token in their BSC wallet without complicated farming and liquidity providing.
How does Paragon work?
Every transaction in the network is taxed by 8% which is redistributed to holders and another 2% is burned forever.
🚀 Just Launched ! 50k Mcap & 123 Holders Growing Fast !
🚀 x100 - x1000 Potential 💸
🚀 Gecko Incoming, CMC Applied
🚀 We are starting Marketing on 23th May with :
🟢 Bogged Finance Charts
🟢 Poo Coin Charts
🟢 Coinhunt Promote
💎 Total Supply - 1,000,000m
Pancakeswap buy/sell link V2: