$Lolli is the collest token on the Binance Smart Chain. With a total supply of just 1,000,000 this is a deflationary token, so the more it's used the more valuable it becomes as the token supply reduces.
♦️ Name: Lolli Finance
♦️Symbol: $LOLLI
♦️Blockchain: BSC
♦️Total supply: 1,000,000
Token conceptualization
Verified Contract Deployed
Website Launch
Social Media Launch
Lolli listed on DXSale
Social Media Marketing 1.0
Contract Audited
CMC & CoinGeko Listing
Social Media Marketing 2.0
Blockfolio Listing
Social Media Marketing 3.0
Launch YouTube Channel
1% Redistribution – 1% of every transaction
will be shared between all holders
4% Auto Liquidity – 4% of every transaction
automatically contributed to the locked liquidity pool.
2% Auto Burn – 2% of every transaction is
burned. Reducing the supply of $Lolli helps to increase the value.
1% Marketing – 1% of every transaction
contributes a marketing wallet. This is
used for the Lolli social media campaign.