Kogi Vision
With a positive effect on the world as the number one goal, KOGI is a project that aims to reduce world hunger by creating a long-term solution. Through KOGI, we aim to not only reduce world hunger but also collaborate with other charity-based tokens to focus efforts on ending the problem altogether, by raising awareness and making large donations to trustworthy charities. With plans such as the KogiBox platform, the Kogi project can sustainably create a lasting impact.
Phase 1Phase 1New Moon
Presale (50% of Supply)
Pancakeswap launch
First Marketing
First Donation to Charity
Apply for Coingecko and CoinMarketCap
Phase 2Phase 2Waxing Crescent
Poocoin ads
Influencer promotions
Contract Audit
Phase 3Phase 3First Quarter Moon
Centralized Exchange Listings (CEX) Listings
Website Revamp
KogiBox Team created
Phase 4Phase 4Waxing Gibbous
Expand KogiBox launch team
Collaboration with celebrity on NFT collection
Phase 5Phase 5Full Moon
Billboards in Times Square
KogiBox Launch
What is KogiBox?
KogiBox is a proposed subscription-based NFT service completely powered by Kogi Token, 100% of profits will go towards the community’s charity of choice.
-IP rights waived, allowing NFT winners to use art for their own commercial endeavors
7% Tax
A 7% tax ensures that holders will be rewarded
1% Burn
1% of every transaction is burned
2% Charity
2% going to the charity wallet
2% Holders
2% redistribution to holders
2% Liquidity Pool
2% of tokens going to the liquidity pool
Starting Supply
2% Charity Wallet
2% of the total supply is reserved for charity, this is where all NFT and KogiBox profits will also go
2.5% Max Transaction
The maximum buy/sell is 194,000 tokens