Golden Mari ($GoldenMari) is a frictionless, yield-generating contract that will allow you to seek shelter amidst the chaos of the market and earn passive income! Our mission is simple, reward normal buyers with great gains and avoid whales at all costs by using anti-whale tokenomics. LP tokens will be burned thereby locking initial liquidity away forever.
Don’t miss this exciting journey and participate in our presale on DxSale!
Phase 1
- Getting ready our community on Telegram and website
- Submitting our token to High Community driven Sub-Reddt (CMS/etc)
- Presale on DxSale
- Token Launched
- Submitting ads to poocoin.app to make more pools of investors to join our token
Phase 2
- Finance and Technical audits
- Coinhunt and Coinsniper Submission
- CG and CMS Submission
Phase 3
- Collaboration with Influencers
Phase 4
- Exchange listing
- Next steps briefing and delivery
Welcome to Golden Mari Ecosystem:
70% liquidity on Pool
100% LP Locked
Renounced Ownership
Tokenomics Total Supply
Presale on DxSale
No DEV wallet
0% Fee for DEV
5% rewards to holders
2% burned per tx
3% goes back to liquidity