  • FungiNFT


  • $0.000000 (-3.31%)

    0.000000000 BNB

  • $0


  • 305 (+0.00%)


  • 500,000,000

    Total Supply






FungiNFT - the first marketplace and escrow that allows you to create and trade NFT tokens with both fungible and non-fungible artworks.

FungiNFT just launched presale with limited seats, so this is the best time for us to get into to make massive gains[20X - 50X]🚀

Our business model was born in response to a real market need. There is currently no bridge between the world of virtual Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) and real-world artworks. We set out to create a platform that would become the missing piece of the entire NFT ecosystem and accelerate further expansion of this great trend.📈



Features of FungiNFT


Our ecosystem could not function without the Marketplace. It is unlike any other, because we allow our users to trade NFT tokens backed by real-world artworks. We guarantee high quality of all products available on our platform.

Anyone will be able to create their own unique landing page and list their artworks created in our platform via escrow. We guarantee the highest quality of artworks created with our Generator and that all items listed on our platform are backed by physical artworks.


We have created a solution which allows you to easily trade all artworks safely and securely.

Anyone will be able to create their own artworks and list it on our platform with our escrow service. We guarantee the highest quality of artworks and that all artworks listed on our platform are backed by physical art.

NFT Ownership

FungiNFT brings you the possibility to own your favourite NFT artworks with a physical art.

Example: assuming that you are the owner of a NFT purchased on platform, with this you have full rights to it. You will also be receiving a real physical artworks together with it. Our QR codes will confirm the authenticity of both your NFT and physical artwork.



🍄Token Ticker : FGNFT

🍄Total Supply : 5,000,000

🍄Transaction Fee : 3 % , 1% to holders, 2% will be burnt

🍄Presale Ongoing

🍄Purchasable On : Pancakeswap V2