Elonium Coin is a 10 day old project which is planning to focus on the construction industry. They are making an app which will help refine the construction industry as there are a few present problems, the project plans to start from the Dutch Construction industry. The CEO Sander of the project has seen that there are problems in the construction industry such as miscommunication due to language issues and the instructional material and educational content for aspiring architects and workers are outdated. Elonium plans to fix these issues, starting from a mobile application which will resolve many other issues and overtime expand the project to resolve bigger issues for construction workers such as low pension / highly expensive insurance. They are in talks with many construction firms for partnerships and plan to establish an international firm revolving around the construction, renovation and carpentry industry in long term.
Contract: https://bscscan.com/token/0x45b110fcdd1a20fceb1805ec0f7ca6ef3712befc
Liquidity is locked for 3 years: https://bscscan.com/token/0x8C512cE256A353f55Da565788a53E8c7E95E88f5#
PancakeSwap link: https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x45b110fcdd1a20fceb1805ec0f7ca6ef3712befc
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