🥠Welcome to Fortune Cookie!
With the recent influx of scams such as rug pulls and honeypots, we want to mention--as a well deserved, obligatory message, that that the ownership is fully renounced, and liquidity is locked for your safety!
🥠What is Fortune Cookie?
Fortune Cookie is quite simple: A lottery token where you can earn just by trading! 10% is taxed on every transaction and added to the fortune pot. For every 10 transactions, one holder gets the entire fortune pot.
Conditions: You must be a holder who has at least 10% of the pots value, one lucky holder will be selected! Will your cookie bring you fortune?
2 Percent
2% of every transaction goes is distributed amongst holders.
3 Percent
Auto-Locking Liquidity
3% of total supply is locked in liquidity ensuring that the token never runs out of liquidity.
3 Percent Marketing Wallet
3% of every transaction goes into our marketing wallet, which we will purely use for marketing the token.
2 Percent
2% of every transaction is burned in hell. Oh, hi there Lucifer.
10 Percent
10% of every transaction goes to a central pot. Every 10 transactions, the pot is sent to a lucky
Every wallet can only purchase 5 Billion Tokens at a time and hold a maximum of 20 Billion Tokens.