  • CluCoin


  • $0.000000 (-4.14%)

    0.000000000 BNB

  • $214,363


  • 67,390 (+0.00%)


  • 1,000,000,000,000,000

    Total Supply







CluCoin is the first token designed with the users and a charity system built straight into its core. We've built a system designed to protect against whales, encourage holding and help charities around the world.

Our model rewards holders and saves money for charity each time someone sells. Our tokenomics include a CLU wallet with 1T, which is part of the distribution pool. CLU shareholders share 5% of each sale action. This is done to discourage selling and reward holders.

Charity Focus: Part of CluCoin's mission is to help charities around the world. To do this, we've set up a wallet with 100T CluCoin and the dividends will go to a single charity that the holding community votes for each month from all transactions.


Quadrillion Coins in Total Supply

Prelaunch: 200T

Charity Wallet: 100T All dividends from charity wallet will be distributed each month to the community's choice of charity

BURN: 300T

Pancakeswap: 200T

Community Wallet: 100T Dividends made by redistribution will go directly back to the CluCoin community for events, airdrops, lotteries, and more!

Team Wallet: 99T Build staffing, marketing, partnership, and more. Will not collect from redistribution

Mod Wallet 1T 1/12th will be sold each month over the course of a year to pay the core team

Safe Invest: CluCoin employs a reflection mechanism, which means that 10% of each transaction will be taken as a fee. 5% will be redistributed to holders and 5% to the liquidity pool. HOLD & EARN. Our system is built off Safemoon protocol which is built to protect investors and discourage selling.