  • Cerberus


  • $0.000000 (-6.52%)

    0.000000000 BNB

  • $3,848,227,554


  • 27,836 (+0.00%)


  • 50,265,953,280,838,000,967,680

    Total Supply






🔥Earn like Hell - We are definitely the 1st yield farm that giving back heavenly to CERBERUS users

Cerberus has Hell farming: Hell are pools that allow CERBERUS holders to stake their CERBERUS to earn other precious tokens. Two pools (BUSD & BNB) will be created by the dev team after the launch, 50% of the presale fund and 2% deposit fee will be added to these two pools as the rewards for CERBERUS staking.

As you can see, we're trying to provide ETA for each task. But development or coding is not easy, and it is always accompanied by some uncertainty. We will try our best to release every feature or product on time. Please also be aware of the possible delays. Many thanks!



Project Launch


Presale (Whitelist open for 3 days)




Apply for Listings on Coinmarketcap, Coingecko, DappRadar, BscScan, etc.


Farming (Stake CERBERUS-LP's to earn CERBERUS) - 24 hours after presale end


Twitter Contests - Will start right after launch - Retweet contest


Partnerships - Will start right after launch


Hell Farm - 21-28 days after launch



AMM Decentralized Exchange - 30 days after launch


Disable All Cake-LP Farms - 3 days after AMM release


Add CERBERUS-LP Farms - 3 days after AMM release


Initial Farm Offering IFO (Buy new tokens with CERBERUS lp tokens) - 15 days after AMM release


AMM Trading Mining (Trading on CERBERUS to earn new tokens) - 30 days after AMM release

Other Products


AMM API Endpoint


AMM Analytics




Margin Trading (Trade BSC tokens with leverage on-chain)


Fixed-Rate Swap


Binary Options


Token Name: Cerberus

Presale Token Symbol: CERBERUS (only useable on presale, after presale this token will be swapped 1-1 with the official farming CERBERUS token)

Presale Token Contract Address: 0x99a304b703EF86e44dBBA70f5abE20d02626d709

Official Token Symbol: CERBERUS (will be used as token for farming)

Official Farming Token Contract Address: 0x8B3268a23131DAFBd77165690767F285C1AAC6C5

Chain: Binance Smart Chain (BEP20)

Max Supply: Unlimited (Like DOGECOIN and CAKE)

Transfer token ownership to Masterchef: https://bscscan.com/tx/0x8332132b8d9a1e65edc70a46949578448a5277f47820ebdf4433d457d1558381

Pancakeswap Liquidity Created and Locked till 2030:

CERBERUS-BUSD LP https://dxsale.app/app/pages/dxlockview?id=0&add=0x0a2b8bcc6eD361208Dd203a289bE3A4B7057AfAF&type=lplock&chain=BSC

CERBERUS-BNB LP https://dxsale.app/app/pages/dxlockview?id=1&add=0x0a2b8bcc6eD361208Dd203a289bE3A4B7057AfAF&type=lplock&chain=BSC