Crystal Elephant Farm
  • Crystal Elephant Farm


  • $0.009102 (+0.00%)

    0.000015879 BNB

  • $910,199


  • 25 (+0.00%)


  • 100,000,000

    Total Supply






Where every deposit and withdrawal is taxed 10%
Fees are 100% distributed as DIVIDENDS to all tokenholders
Penalties apply for early withdrawal within 30 days
Come reinvest with the BEST

If you hold all three CETO like I do, this is a win-win-win-win. Finally, there will be sustained transaction revenue that does NOT depend on new user acquisition

Says we can use CEFA right out the box on their BCETO/BSC-compatible games (“instant utility”)

Liquidity! We’re not just stuck behind the walled garden of CETO. And for those who hate monthly airdrops of free money, they can jump to the PancakeSwap liquidity pool to flip it whenever they want

Oh yeah - airdrops. Like every month. For TWENTY years. Talk about UBI for all

Ridiculous divs potential if we’re getting not only reflection rewards in CEFA but also divs in CETO?

It’s properly deflationary. They’ve already burned 20M tokens to their dead address to account for the 1.2% that gets burned off every transaction

The token supply isn’t crazy. 100 million used to be a lot of tokens. But at least we get a real chance to see some serious price appreciation with a token amount sub-1 billion

They’ve got a track record. CETO Foundation is behind the three different CETO contracts (TRX, ETH, BSC), that already have a six-figure market cap. When shit has really hit the fan in the past, the team has stepped up with honesty and integrity, talking to us while they figured things out.

A million worth of CEFA will be spread out to yield farm with, giving us even more divs, plus staking

BNB stays killing ETH in the transaction fee game. CEFA being on the BSC lowers the barriers to entry of this token

A honeypot for big-time investors who think they’re getting a token they’d want to flip when they get seduced by the steady rates of return.

With all the different ways to earn off it (they boast EIGHT), I’m not sure WHY anyone would really want to sell it. I mean, sure, take some profits here and there. Or you can just let the dividends roll in on your B/E/CETO live off divs alone (okay, so it’s just me)



Supply: 100,000,000

24.4M: Monthly airdrops

20M: Initial Farm Offering supply

20M: Fertilizer Bag account (gravestone icon)

12.5M: CETO Blockchain Family

12.3M: 90-day bond funds

4M: Yield farming

2M: Community support/Marketing

2M: Locked liquidity

1.5M: Team

1.3M: Development fund

Fee Per Transaction: 10%

6%: reflection rewards back to holders

~0.75%: rewards to CETO Blockchain Family holders

~1.2%: burned to Fertilizer Bag account

~4%: proportionally distributed and compounded into CEFA holders’ accounts

4%: automated liquidity on PancakeSwap

2%: BNB

2%: CEFA

Creates CEFA-BNB Liquidity Pool (LP tokens burned)