BORE token competes in the space of charting with the likes of POO COIN and BOGGED FINANCE. And it has the vision of becoming the simplest and user-friendly charting tool. Bore Platform features the best charting for BSC coins. We have the goal to implement the most simple and seamless UI. Our Platform is relaunching in 3 days. Our goal is to keep implementing features in our charting platform and grow the utility of our token through different charting/ad mechanisms.
Total supply: 10,000
🔥Current market cap is: $180,000
🔒Total locked in liquidity (forever): 372 BNB
Deflationary staking:
Creating LP and staking yields 2.2 percent transactional fees. 2 percent is distributed between lp holders. Rest is used for development/marketing. Holding 1lp will give you access to all our premium services.
ANTI RUG—372 BNB can never be removed---this is how the contract is designed.