BEVO NFT Art Token
  • BEVO NFT Art Token


  • $9.996989 (+0.00%)

    0.017453500 BNB

  • $0


  • 194 (+0.00%)


  • 0

    Total Supply






BEVO {BE-VO} is a community built NFT token with a goal to become the most prominent force in the NFT space on the Binance Smart Chain. Created by artists themselves, they want to be the first token to be back by physical art pieces. They are recruiting artists with small platforms to aid them in converting their physical art into Non-Fungible Tokens. A great idea coupled with an extremely dedicated and hard work developer team is a recipe for success as I am sure you all know, and it is clear that the team over at BEVO has these qualities in spades.


BEVO Token is a BEP-20 token created on the Binance Smart Chain. It's a cryptocurrency asset whose value is backed by real art from real artists. The BEVO NFT Art Gallery will feature paintings, sculptures, photos and digital artwork from artists all around the world. Each piece will be represented by a unique Non-Fungible Token minted on the Binance Smart Chain. This opens up the possibility for a truly frictionless way to trade not only NFTs but any work of art.

Tokenized Art

BEVO is tokenizing traditional art. Artists will be able to tokenize their work through our dAPP which creates digital NFTs that represent their art. These NFTs also constitute the actual value of the physical artform. This enables a way to buy, sell or trade real works of art through the BEVO Art Gallery using BEVO Tokens.


BEVO Art Gallery

The BEVO token will be used to trade, buy or sell works of art on the upcoming marketplace. During the launch phase, artists from around the world will be invited to submit pieces for curation that will be listed on the marketplace when operationalized.


A new way to Trade Art

Existing physical art-pieces can be minted on the BEVO NFT Marketplace and purchased using BEVO Tokens. The NFT will be bound to the physical asset value. This creates a frictionless way to trade art leveraging the speed and affordability of the Binance Smart Chain network.


The BEVO Art House

Listing on the BEVO Art Gallery will require curation and verification of ownership for prominent pieces. Art pieces may be shipped by the owner or securely warehoused through our Partnership with Shipwire.


A Decentralized Global Art Community

The BEVO Art Gallery will feature artwork from cultures around the world, allowing every region to showcase their talent and be recognized.


A new way to invest in Art

The BEVO Token will provide a new way for casual investors to invest in and support the arts. Pieces purchased from the BEVO Art Gallery will contain a scannable QR code. These codes represent the Non-fungible token [NFT] address.


☑️ Fixed Supply - 5,000,000,000 BEVO Tokens ☑️ Deflationary - 2% Transaction Burn to ensure appreciation of token over time. ☑️ Reflections - 2% of every transaction will be reflected to all token holders. ☑️ Marketing and Dev Fund - 2% of every transaction will be allocated for marketing and project funding. 🔒Liquidity Lock - 7 Year Liquidity Lock: 2% worth of every transaction will be locked away in DxLocker. Slippage: 8-9%

The BEVO Token employs powerful tokenomics that are designed to create value for both investors and artists alike. The BEVO Token has a very low transaction fee structure of 8% that is designed to optimize early adoption and long-term capital preservation.