Passive income is income that requires no effort to earn and maintain. It is called progressive passive income when the earner expends little effort to grow the income. Examples of passive income include rental income and any business activities in which the earner does not materially participate.
Some jurisdictions' taxing authorities, such as the Internal Revenue Service in the United States of America, distinguish passive income from other forms of income, such as earnings from regular or contractual employment, and may tax it differently.
Tax: 10% (4% to LP and 4% to BNB Redistributed all holders) Total Supply: 1,000,000,000,000,000 Tokens for Pre-Sale:400,000,000,000 Burn: 10% of tokens will be burned immediately for the sale
⚔️Holders will be rewarded with 4% + 2% of every transaction to be redistributed to all holders.