Arigato token
  • Arigato token


  • $0.000000 (+0.00%)

    0.000000000 BNB

  • 1,489 (-0.07%)


  • 0

    Total Supply






Arigato token is a blockchain based token developed on BSC Smartchain. They’re trying to bring crypto into the gaming industry. Its API is open ended, and the game developers can choose to award players in Arigato tokens, integrate crypto payments, referral rewards and much more.

By introducing blockchain technology into gaming, both the gaming industry and crypto industry will mutually benefit in the long run.

And whereas other gaming tokens are beginning to emerge, Arigato remains uniquely positioned to both assist game developers and also reward the gamers.

The 2 main developers are highly experienced in the gaming industry and have already demonstrated their focus and diligence on this project. They have professional industry connections and there has already been a positive reception to the Arigato token.



💎Supply: 67Million

🔒Liquidity: Locked

💎Market Cap: $3Million

💎Current Price: $0.04

🚀Launch: 30 April, 2021

Every trade contributes towards automatically generating liquidity that goes into the pools used by exchanges

RFI Static Rewards

Holders earn passive rewards through static reflection as they watch their balance of Arigato grow indefinitely

Inflation Resistant Burn

Every transaction in the Arigato ecosystem causes a 2% burn reducing the total supply

Locked Liquidity

Liquidity has been locked on Unicrypt to secure holders investmen