This is the chance to grab rare Hentai NFT-Images or even share and sell them on our Marketplace!
The Token will be used to invest in Ideas from Hentai creators and the Investors get a NFT Card from the specific Hentai.
The Team is working hard to fulfill this idea as soon as possible!
It was very important for us to make a fair launch for everyone. The developers, marketing professionals etc. were all authorized to buy a maximum of 0.5BNB worth of shares. The goal behind that is to avoid creating a disadvantage for our $Akuma Lovers.
The Ownership has been renounced since the Launch of this token. This provides safety to every holder because the Contract cannot be manipulated in any kind of way.
Renounced Ownership
Locked Liquidity
The LP has been locked via a lock smart contract on the network and the transaction shows the epoch time which has been set for 1 month from now. There is an additional auto lock that happens on every transaction.
Redistribution & Burn
2% of the Transaction-fee is redistributed to all holders as a small thank you. 1% are burned to stabilize the pricefloor of Akuma.
Liquidity pool
3% of the Transaction-fee gets moved into the Liquidity pool by auto-lock. This provides a stable and increasing price-floor for the Token.
The Token has a total Supply of 1'000'000'000. The Liquidity Pool was started with 30BNB's.
There are NO Dev-Wallets.