
  • $0.000000 (+0.00%)

    0.000000000 BNB

  • $1


  • 17 (+0.00%)


  • 1,000,000,000,000,000

    Total Supply






The $Touch mission is to revolutionise the DeFi space and the way in which cryptocurrency is utilised. Recognising a problem in the current functionality of cryptocurrencies, $Touch have come up with a solution to alleviate the difficulties many cryptocurrency users face with basic cryptocurrency transactions. Currently, to purchase a lesser-known token through, for example, Pancakeswap, traders must navigate multiple exchange’s, digital wallets and websites. Spending cryptocurrency elsewhere is also limited to only those merchants who accept is as a payment method and in most cases that is further limited by most merchants accepting only Bitcoin. $Touch plans to simplify this process with an offering designed to increase functionality when it comes to spending cryptocurrency. 
$Touch intends to transform the industry by introducing the $Touch Contactless Card and the $Touch app with integrated wallets. By prioritising functionality and ease-of-use in the design process, $Touch has ensured the simplification of cryptocurrency transactions. This will allow the card to be used not only to buy and sell cryptocurrency but also for cryptocurrency to be spent much more easily, in everyday transactions like buying a coffee or paying for groceries. 
$Touch will not only revolutionise the cryptocurrency space but also hope to transform the lives of many homeless children through proactive charitable initiatives and giving. $Touch aspires to work with some of the biggest charities in the world with a clear focused agenda of improving the lives of homeless children around the world. Through profit appropriation and involvement with charities at a grassroots level, $Touch hope to meet and exceed corporate social responsibility targets and in turn, bridge the gap of social inequality.




Q2 2021

Protocol Initialization

Touch token design
Tokenomics design
Website design
Contract verification
Successful Audit
Burn Milestones
CMC/ CG listing
Small/ Medium Exchange listings
Donations announcement
Launching marketing campaigns
Partnership with influencers
Partnership with charities

Q3 2021

Protocol Initialization

Design Touch Wallet (Beta)
Exchange listings (hotbit, bitmart,
Certik Audit
Staking partnerships
Burn milestones
Expanding charity work, moving towards building our own foundation.
Aggressive marketing release
Billboards/ social media campaigns

Q4 2021

Protocol Initialization

Introduction of new revenue streams
Burn milestone
Expand donations to global level charities
Expanding market channels
Partnership with similar companies
Release of $Touch wallet + Release of $Touch debit card




We want to be noticed as a strong community token hence the reasoning for a 1% charity fee. Implementing this transaction fee declares that as a group, we will be making the world a better place through providing food, water, an education as well as other resources to the less fortunate. Having a positive on the society is essential therefore partnerships with charities will be made throughout our journey!

Touch aims to make use of crypto as easy as a regular card payment. $Touch will be introduced as the first token to make crypto transactions easy through it's smart debit card. With tokenomics that is not only beneficial to the investors but also to sustained long term growth of the project. Our strategies will help fuel our ambition towards charitable initiatives while subsquently rewarding our holders which we consider our corporate responsiibilty. Crypto has never been easier. $Touch, bringing crypto to your pocket.


💸$Touch's Marketing strategy:

$Touch, with its own veteran in-house marketing team aims to push the limits of what has never been achieved in the past. Our team aims for a global outreach that will expedite the process of lisings on major platforms like Coingecko and CoinMarket Cap. These goals will also enable $Tocuh to be listed on major exchanges in the future. $Touch also envisions to seek support from influencer partnerships which will help in achieving our milestones faster than could be expected.



400B PreSale Allocation Pool: 40


  • 400B PreSale Allocation Pool
  • 250B PCS Liquidity Pool
  • 200B Burn Pool
  • 55B Charity Pool
  • 55B Marketing Pool
  • 40B Seed Investment Pool


2% Redistribution: 2


  • 2% Burn
  • 2% Redistribution
  • 2% Marketing
  • 3% Liquidity
  • 1% Charity